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Climate Warriors: Der Kampf um die Zukunft unseres Planeten
100 Prozent erneuerbare Energie – das ist technisch längst möglich. Doch die weltweite Energiewende stockt, denn mit ihr versiegen die Geldströme von Kohle, Gas und Erdöl. Wie können wir der Gier der Energiekonzerne trotzen und den Blick auf die Zukunft des Planeten richten? Eine globale Veränderung kann nur durch eine Bewegung von unten entstehen!
German Short Films
All of these short films, except the first one and those with no words, are in German with English subtitles. Enjoy the variety!
Zentralflughafen THF | Central Airport
Berlin's Tempelhof Airport was opened in 1923 and, under Adolf Hitler, extended to become the world's largest airport which was finally closed in 2008. But even today Tempelhof Airport remains a place of arrivals and departures being used simultaneously as a refugee shelter and a leisure park for the inhabitants of Berlin. A historically un
Der Junge muss an die frische Luft
Der Junge muss an die frische Luft ist ein deutscher Spielfilm von Caroline Link nach der Autobiografie Der Junge muss an die frische Luft – Meine Kindheit und ich von Hape Kerkeling. Die Verfilmung seiner Kindheitserinnerungen kam am 25. Dezember 2018 in die deutschen Kinos und avancierte zu dem meistbesuchten Film, der 2018 Premiere in Deutschland feierte. Bei der Verleihung des Deutschen Filmpreises im Jahr darauf wurde der Film mit der Lola in Bronze ausgezeichnet.
Uferfrauen portraits six Lesbian protagonists from rural and metropolitan parts of the formerly socialist Republic and has them tell their captivating and sometimes outrageous life stories.
Sorry Genosse | Sorry Comrade
DDR-Geschichte mal anders: In Vera Brückners farbenfroher Doku erwecken Karl-Heinz und Hedi ihre unglaubliche Romanze während des Kalten Krieges erneut zum Leben – samt waghalsiger Flucht über die deutsch-deutsche Grenze, geheimen Komplizen und verblüffend hilfsbereiten Stasi-Beamten! Stets in einen lässigen Retro-Look getaucht entführt „Sorry Genosse“ auf eine charmante wie spannungsgeladene Zeitreise in die deutsche Vergangenheit. Seine Uraufführung feierte der Film auf der Berlinale im Jahr 2022.
My Little Sister | Schwesterlein
The Bottom Line Little Sister is brother's keeper.…The screenplay, by the directors, keeps coming back to the idea of women being forced to define themselves in relationship to others while men are allowed and even encouraged just to be themselves.
Auf den zweiten Blick / At Second Glance
At Second Glance is set in Berlin and features three couples living with vision loss. This thought-provoking movie about love and perception asks us to engage with, and expand, our understanding of diversity, including different abilities.
This award-winning film centers on Kay and Falk, Benjamin and Elena, Till and Pan in the big city juggernaut Berlin—who meet, discover and feel attracted to each other.
The Threepenny Opera
The film is loosely based on the 1928 musical theatre success The Threepenny Opera by Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weill.
What to Do in Case of Fire?
What To Do In Case of Fire? tells the humorous and touching story of six former creative anarchists who lived as house squatters in Berlin during its heyday in the 80s when Berlin was still an island in the middle of the former eastern Germany.
On Aug. 9, 1989, as a black man was stopped on a bridge in Stuttgart for questioning, he knifed two officers to death and wounded three others before being shot dead himself. This man's name was Frederic Otomo. At about 6:15 that morning, he had been confronted on a subway train by a ticket inspector, who told him he had to get off at the next stop. The inspector got aggressive with Otomo, who head-butted him and fled from the train, setting up the manhunt that ended on the bridge.
Those facts are known. What happened between the two incidents is unknown, and inspires this film by Frieder Schlaich, who tries to imagine what went through Otomo's mind between the two confrontations. Along the way, Schlaich portrays a society in which some are racists who act cruelly toward the black man, and others, even strangers, go out of their way to help him.
Spur der Steine
Spur of the Stones is a 1966 film produced by DEFA-Spielfilm, Künstlerische Arbeitsgruppe (KAG) “Heinrich Greif.” The director was Frank Beyer, who also wrote the screenplay with Karl Georg Egel. It is based on the novel by Erik Neutsch. The film was premiered at the 8th East German Workers' Party in Potsdam, followed by three days in some cinemas, before being dropped out of “anti-socialist tendencies.” It was not until October 1989 that the film could be performed again in the GDR, a little later at the Berlinale 1990 in the Federal Republic of Germany.
The boundless imagination and physical marvels of the work of the German modern-dance pioneer Pina Bausch leap off the screen in this exuberant tribute by Wim Wenders. A long-planned film collaboration between the director and the choreographer was in preproduction when Bausch died in 2009. Two years later, Wenders decided to go ahead with the project, reconceiving it as an homage to his late friend. The result, shot in stunning 3D, is a remarkable visual experience and a vivid representation of Bausch’s art, enacted by a group of staggeringly talented dancers from her company, the Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch. Pina is an adventurous work of cinema that highlights the bold legacy of one of the world’s true creative visionaries.
Uckermark: Leben auf dem Lande
Volker Koepp nimmt uns mit in die Uckermark, jenen so dünn besiedelten Landstrich nördlich von Berlin. Wie auf einer Bühne versammelt der Film eine Schar von Übriggebliebenen und Heimkehrern der Nachwendezeit. Landarbeiter, Bauern und zurückgekehrter Adel, ihre Erzählungen und Lebensgeschichten. Bisweilen skurril und tragikomisch, manchmal melancholisch und von trotzigem Idealismus.
Whores’ Glory
The film is divided into three locally defined episodes: Bangkok (Thailand), Faridpur (Bangladesh) and Reynosa (Mexico).
The first part deals with the everyday work of prostitutes in Bangkok, in a brothel called the Fish Tank. The prostitutes sit in a brightly lit glass room and are chosen by clients by the number used to identify them.
The second part is about a vast brothel called the City of Joy, in the town of Faridpur, Bangladesh. There, 600 to 800 women work in a confined space. In one scene, a madame buying a prostitute from another madame haggles over the price of the girl.
The third part takes place in the city of Reynosa, near the Texas border. There it is common, as in other Mexican cities, to designate the legal areas for prostitution as zonas de tolerancia (tolerance zones). The entrance to the Zona is secured with barriers and is constantly monitored by the police.
The Silent Revolution
The Silent Revolution (German: Das schweigende Klassenzimmer) is a 2018 German drama film directed by Lars Kraume. The film tells the story of a high school class in the communist German Democratic Republic, who have a moment of silence in their classroom for the victims of the failed anti-communist Hungarian Revolution of 1956. This small act of solidarity has unforeseen consequences, impacting the children, their parents and the school board. The film is based on a true story told in a book of the same name by Dietrich Garstka (1939–2018), one of the students.
Wir sind die Neuen
Anne, eine etwa 60 Jahre alte Biologin, muss ihre Münchner Stadtwohnung abgeben, und da sie sich allein keine andere Wohnung leisten kann, fragt sie ehemalige WG-Mitbewohner aus ihrer Studentenzeit, ob sie an einer erneuten WG interessiert wären. Dazu bereit sind: Eddi, alter Frauenheld und seit langem Single, und Johannes, ein sozial engagierter Rechtsanwalt, der vor allem Mandanten nimmt, die sich eigentlich keinen Anwalt leisten können, und daher selbst auch kein Geld hat. Bei Eddi wurde zuvor eine schwere Krankheit diagnostiziert, er sagt den beiden anderen aber nichts davon.
Nackt unter Wölfen
As rumors reach them that the Allied armies are advancing on their concentration camp at Buchenwald, Polish prisoners renew their feeble hope for survival and freedom. When a group of prisoners is transferred from Auschwitz, a four-year-old child is smuggled into the camp in a valise. Born at Auschwitz, he is Jewish and will be killed if discovered. A group of prisoners decide to protect the child from the searching Germans, and although the kapos cannot smuggle the boy out of Buchenwald, they manage to hide him–moving from one place to another within the camp as the Nazis comb it. Threats and torture by SS men fail to turn up the boy who becomes a symbol of the struggle between captives and captors.
Run, Lola Run
Presenting his third feature after last year’s acclaimed Wintersleepers, Tom Tykwer cranks up the volume, stiffens the pace, and jettisons us on one of this year’s most exhilarating cinematic adventures. A breathtaking race against the clock, Run Lola Run straps Tykwers’ playfully hip sensibilities to a fun-filled mix of romance, thrills, and action as his tireless heroine pounds the pavement and racks her brain to save her lover from danger. Manni and Lola are twenty-something Berliners, way past cool and desperately in love.
When Manni, a local criminal’s errand boy, loses twenty thousand Marks, he has twenty minutes to find the money or face retaliation. Not the brightest bulb, Manni turns to the quick-witted, resourceful Lola to devise a plan to save his hide. And so she does, and off she sprints, running for Manni's life, for her love, and to find money somewhere, somehow.