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Germans using too much gas, could face emergency later authorities warn
The Federal Network Agency warned that Germany could be faced with gas shortages this winter if consumption is not reduced by at least 20%. Instead, use jumped 10% last week, alarming experts.
Transport ministers discuss successor to €9 ticket
Following the popularity of the €9 blanket rail and bus ticket in the summer months, Germany's state and regional governments are trying to come up with a successor that's permanent and more affordable.
HAMILTON - Das Cast Announcement in Hamburg
Die Weltsensation kommt im Oktober 2022 endlich nach Hamburg. Am 14.06.22 haben wir der Presse und Partnern den Hamburger Cast während eines Live-Events im Stage Operettenhaus präsentiert. Schaut Euch hier eine Zusammenfassung an und erfahrt, was unsere Darsteller:innen zu der Show sagen.
They Translated ‘Hamilton’ Into German. Was It Easy? Nein.
So imagine the challenge, then, of adapting the story of America’s first treasury secretary for a German-speaking audience — preserving the rhythm, the sound, and the sensibility of the original musical while translating its dense libretto into a language characterized by multisyllabic compound nouns and sentences that often end with verbs, and all in a society that has minimal familiarity with the show’s subject matter.
Racism in Germany is part of everyday life
Most Germans recognize that racism exists in their society, affecting not only minorities but everybody who lives here. The country's first National Discrimination and Racism report has found some surprising results.
How 2nd-generation migrants struggle to succeed
Germany wants Ukrainian refugees to be integrated into its labor market swiftly. But the experience of previous generations of migrants and their children shows climbing the economic ladder isn’t always easy for those with an immigrant background.
Berliner Straße bekommt einen neuen Namen
Die Bezirksverordnetenversammlung hat entschieden: Geehrt wird künftig eine amerikanische Dichterin statt eines preußischen Demokratiegegners.
Can a Bill Have a Gender? Feminine Wording Exposes a Rift
Last month, the Justice Ministry presented a draft of the bill, which aims to shield debtors and businesses from insolvency in the wake of the coronavirus. While the bill drew little attention at the time, the draft language was written employing “Femininum,” a grammatical device that includes the use of the feminine form of plural nouns to describe groups that include both men and women.
What's life really like for black people in Germany?
What's life really like for black people in Germany?
Audre Lorde’s Berlin
Following in the footsteps of the self-described “black feminist lesbian poet,” whose ideas caught fire in a city she cherished and criticized.