Research & Teaching / Forschung & Lehre

  • The Irena Sendler Project. Irena Sendler, an unsung heroine of the Holocaust. A Polish Catholic social worker, she saved about 2,500 Jewish children from the Warsaw ghetto.

  • Mileva Einstein-Maric, Serbian mathematician and physicist (FemBio): Mileva Einstein-Maric, student at the Zurich Polytechnikum, second woman to finish a full program of study at the Department VI A: Mathematics and Physics. Marries Albert Einstein, gives birth to three of his children, surviving childbed three times, is betrayed by him,  discarded by him, dispatched from Berlin back to Switzerland with the children just before the First World War, divorced, brings up their two sons, cares for the schizophrenic son, dies.

  • Medica Mondiale unterstützt traumatisierte Frauen und Mädchen in Kriegs- und Krisengebieten

  • Old School Anti-Ageism Clearing House is a clearinghouse of free and carefully vetted resources to educate people about ageism and help dismantle it. Our goal is to help catalyze a movement to make ageism (discrimination on the basis of age) as unacceptable as any other kind of prejudice. 

  • Oral History Association. The Oral History Association offers a rich and growing variety of resources for those interested in every facet of doing, promoting, researching, collecting, and preserving oral history.

  • Sophie: The Sophie Digital Library is an open-access, full-text-searchable source of literature written by German-speaking women from medieval times through the early 20th century. The collection covers a broad spectrum of genres and is designed to showcase literary works that have been neglected for too long. These works are made available both in facsimiles of their original format, wherever possible, as well as in a PDF transcription that promotes ease of reading and is amenable to keyword searching.

  • Stolperstein Projekt The artist Gunter Demnig remembers the victims of National Socialism by installing commemorative brass plaques in the pavement in front of their last address of choice. There are now STOLPERSTEINE (lit. “stumbling stones or blocks”) in at least 1200 places in Germany, as well as in Austria, Belgium, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Hungary, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Moldova, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland and Ukraine. Künstler Gunter Demnig erinnert an die Opfer der NS-Zeit, indem er vor ihrem letzten selbstgewählten Wohnort Gedenktafeln aus Messing ins Trottoir einlässt. Inzwischen liegen STOLPERSTEINE in 1265 Kommunen Deutschlands und in einundzwanzig Ländern Europas. 'Ein Mensch ist erst vergessen, wenn sein Name vergessen ist', zitiert Gunter Demnig den Talmud. Mit den Steinen vor den Häusern wird die Erinnerung an die Menschen lebendig, die einst hier wohnten. Auf den Steinen steht geschrieben: HIER WOHNTE... Ein Stein. Ein Name. Ein Mensch.

  • Suppressed Histories Archive: “…uncovers the realities of women's lives, internationally and across time, asking questions about patriarchy and slavery, conquest and aboriginality. About mother-right, female spheres of power, indigenous philosophies of spirit-- and the historical chemistry of their repression. Even more important, their role in resisting oppression.”

  • University of Minnesota Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies

  • USC Shoah Foundation Institute The Institute’s website now features a growing number of educational resources in several languages. Unique classroom resources and lessons are available

  • Zinn Education Project: The Zinn Education Project promotes and supports the use of Howard Zinn’s best-selling book A People’s History of the United States and other materials for teaching a people’s history in middle and high school classrooms across the country.

  • The Truth and Healing Commission on Indian Boarding School Policies in the U.S. Act: Over the course of a century, hundreds of thousands of our children were taken or coerced away from our families and Tribes and forced to attend government-sanctioned Indian boarding schools. These schools were tools of assimilation and cultural genocide, resulting in the loss of language and culture and the permanent separation of children from their families.

Research & Teaching / Forschung & Lehre

  • Aktiv gegen Diskriminierung “Welche Möglichkeiten bietet das Allgemeine Gleichbehandlungsgesetz (AGG) Verbänden, um Einzelne dabei zu unterstützen, vor Gericht gegen Diskriminierung vorzugehen? Wann kann Verbandsklage nach dem Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz oder im Verbraucherschutz erhoben werden? Unter welchen Voraussetzungen ist die Einreichung einer Menschenrechtsbeschwerde auf internationaler Ebene sinnvoll? Und wie sehen der Gerichtsaufbau in Deutschland und das Beschwerdesystem auf internationaler Ebene überhaupt aus? Antworten auf diese und weitere Fragen bietet das Online-Handbuch "Aktiv gegen Diskriminierung.”

  • Audre Lorde Berlin Online Journey Audre Lorde, the renowned African-American poet, author, and activist, lived from 1984 to 1992 each year for weeks and months at a time in Berlin. If you are interested in the time Audre Lorde shared in Berlin with her comrades and friends, visit the places where she lived, worked, and spent her leisure time, you can experience this self-guided digital journey containing photos, videos, and sound clips.

  • Ally Audiobooks: College course audiobooks for students and adults.“ We provide a growing library of accessible downloadable audiobooks and educational content for people of all ages and education levels including People with learning disabilities; Visually impaired individuals; and Individuals with physical disabilities.”

  • Chronicle of the Wall was developed in collaboration with the Federal Centre for Political Education, Deutschlandradio, and the Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam

  • Das Deutsche Literaturarchiv Marbach (DLA) ist eine der bedeutendsten Literaturinstitutionen weltweit. In seinen Sammlungen vereinigt und bewahrt es eine Fülle kostbarster Quellen der Literatur- und Geistesgeschichte. Es dient der Literatur, der Bildung und der Forschung. ((DLA) is one of the most important literary institutions in the world. In its collections, it unites and preserves a wealth of the most precious sources of literary and intellectual history. It serves literature, education and research).

  • decolonialtours DeSta - Dekoloniale Stadtführung. Hatte Deutschland Kolonien? Aber doch nicht so lange oder? Wir helfen dir raus aus der Unwissenheit! Komm jetzt zu unserer Führung. Did Germany have colonies? But not for so long, right? We'll help you out of ignorance! Come to our tour now.

  • Facing History and Ourselves “We help students learn about hatred and bigotry so they can stop them from happening in the future.”

  • Frauennetzwerk für Frieden e.V. | Women's Network for Peace (nonprofit organization)

  • Geolino Natur und Umwelt

  • Christa WolfHannah Arendt Zur PersonFull Interview. In German with English subtitles, cigarettes and all.

  • Christa Wolf-Gesellschaft “Ende des Jahres 2013 haben Freundinnen und Freunde der Autorin und des Werkes von Christa Wolf sich in Berlin zusammengefunden, um eine internationale Christa Wolf Gesellschaft aus der Taufe zu heben.”

  • German School System VON HELMUT FEND (2008): Schwerer Weg nach oben: Das Elternhaus entscheidet über den Bildungserfolg – unabhängig von der Schulform. “Die hier vorgestellte, noch unveröffentlichte Studie zur Wirksamkeit von Gesamtschulen birgt Sprengstoff für die Debatte um das richtige Schulsystem – und die Möglichkeit der Schulen, zur sozialen Gerechtigkeit beizutragen.”

  • Fritz Bauer Forum: The Fritz Bauer Forum is an international centre for research, art and dialogue. Here, the history of resistance “In the struggle for human rights” (Fritz Bauer) is researched and shared. The Forum acts as a link between committed research, social movements and political decision-makers. (Das Fritz Bauer Forum ist ein internationaler Ort für Forschung, Kunst und Dialog. Hier wird die Geschichte des Widerstands “Im Kampf um des Menschen Rechte” (Fritz Bauer) erforscht und vermittelt. Das Forum handelt als ein Bindeglied zwischen engagierter Wissenschaft, sozialen Bewegungen und politischen Entscheidungsträger*innen.)

  • Holocaust Center of Northern California: “…This university-level library in San Francisco includes over 12,000 volumes with a special emphasis on the collection of rare, out-of-print Yizkor (memorial) volumes. The collections, gathered from survivors and their families in northern California, include books dealing with every aspect of the Holocaust, an archive of 2,000 recorded oral histories, and photographs, documents, and artifacts from the period.”


  • Islam in Germany

  • JCC East Bay creates healthy communities inspired by Jewish values, culture, and tradition.

  • MiGAZIN ist ein unabhängiges Online-Magazin mit Themen rund um Integration und Migration in Deutschland. Außerdem ist es ein Online-Portal für alle, die an einer niveauvollen und sachlichen Diskussion und Auseinandersetzung mit der Thematik interessiert sind.

  • Miniatur Wunderland: The world’s largest model railroad

  • Positive Aging NewsletterThe Taos Institute

  • Schwarze Frauen Community: Self-empowerment von Schwarzen Frauen, Kindern und Jugendlichen

  • The Taos Institute The Taos Institute's ® mission is to bring together scholars and practitioners concerned with the social processes essential for the construction of reason, knowledge, and human value, and their application in relational, collaborative, and appreciative practices around the world.

  • Wry Crips is a Berkeley-based disabled women's reader's theater group. It began in the early 1980s, has had several performances over the years, was dormant for several years, and got revitalized by one of the original founders, Patty Overland, in early 2011.


  • Amadeu Antonio Foundation encourages local projects and initiatives to strengthen democratic values.

  • Avaaz is a global web movement with a simple democratic mission: to close the gap between the world we have, and the world most people everywhere want.

  • BELLA DONNA Ein Haus von Frauen e.V. ist ein außergewöhnliches Projekt:  Ein Haus – von Frauen ehrenamtlich geschaffen – mit dem Ziel, für Menschen einen Ort für Arbeit, Begegnung, Kultur und Soziales zu verwirklichen. 

  • Brava! for Women in the Arts! is a professional arts organization committed to producing, presenting and cultivating live art celebrating the intersection of feminism and multiculturalism that ignites social change and empowers community.

  • Dr. Mohamed Esa's work on cultural diversity

  • FemBio Frauenbiographieforschung e.V.

  • Nicht diskriminierende Sprache der Stadt Wien

  • GLADT is an organization of black and PoC lesbians, gays, bisexuals, Trans*, Inter* and queers in Berlin. We are involved on different levels against racism, sexism, trans*- and homophobia, ableism, and other forms of discrimination. A special focus of our work is on the topics of multiple discrimination and intersectionality, meaning the overlap and interactions of different forms of discrimination and their specific resulting experiences.

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ManuEla Ritz, Autorin des Buches Die Farbe meiner Haut

Dictionaries / Lexika

  • Duden online Seit über 130 Jahren ist Duden die maßgebliche Instanz für alle Fragen zur deutschen Sprache und Rechtschreibung.

  • duolingo: Learning with Duolingo is fun and addictive. Earn points for correct answers, race against the clock, and level up.

  • German - English Dictionary (TU Chemnitz): Search through more than three million translations with examples and hints, explanations, synonyms, sayings, aphorisms, and quotations in English and German. Browse lists for special topics. Listen to German and English pronunciations spoken by native speakers

  • German - English Dictionary (Leo) is an online dictionary with an IOS app as well.

  • Projekt “Digitales Wörterbuch”: Ein Wortauskunftssystem zur deutschen Sprache in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Hintergrund—über465.000 lexikografisch geprüfte Einträge aus verschiedenen Wörterbuchquellen

News / Nachrichten

  • 350.0rg building a global movement to solve the climate crisis (more links under Articles)

  • Ausgestrahlt “Atomkraft? Nein Danke! Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass der Betrieb vonAtomanlagen ein schwerwiegendes Unrecht ist, weil er Mensch und Umwelt schädigt. Wir streiten für eine Energiewende – für eine nachhaltige, zukunftsfähige und umweltschonende Energieversorgung ohne Atomkraft.”

  • DemocracyNow! A daily TV/radio news program hosted by Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez, airing on over 750 stations, pioneering the largest community media collaboration in the U.S.

  • Democracy at Work Ideas, Media & Movement For A Better Economy

  • Deutsche Welle “is Germany’s international broadcaster. We convey a comprehensive image of Germany, report events and developments, and incorporate German and other perspectives in a journalistically independent manner. By doing so we promote understanding between cultures and peoples. We simultaneously also provide access to the German language.” (Slowly-Read News)

  • Die Nachrichten der ARD

  • FazNet

  • Frankfurter Rundschau

  • KPFA: Based in Berkeley, the first listener-sponsored radio station in the United States.

  • is the first independent and supraregional Theaterfeuilleton on the Internet. It was founded in May 2007 by the theater critics Petra Kohse, Esther Slevogt, Nikolaus Merck, and Dirk Pilz and the visual artist Konrad von Homeyer.

  • Saar Sansaar: Quarterly Magazine of Foreign Language Literatures in Hindi

  • Taz die Tageszeitung aus Berlin

  • Wagadu, Journal of Transnational Women's and Gender Studies

  • Richard Wolff is a professor of Economics Emeritus and provides weekly economic updates

  • Y-Kollectiv Das Y-Kollektiv besteht aus jungen Journalist:innen. In unseren Reportagen zeigen wir die Welt, wie wir sie erleben. Recherche machen wir transparent. Unsere Reportagen sollen Diskussionen auslösen; sie sind nicht immer neutral, aber immer ehrlich. Neue Folgen gibts jeden Montag um 15 Uhr! Eure Fragen/ Kritik beantworten wir Di. oder Mi. auf dem Y-Zwei - Kanal.

  • Die Zeit is a major German newspaper.

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Musik Internet radio featuring many German bands. Just the names of these German groups can teach you a lot of German. Look at this partial list of German groups listed at

German composers: in addition to popular music, Germany has a rich history of composers, including many you may not have heard of:

Books, Film & TV / Bücher, Film und Fernsehen

  • ARD Mediathek. Audio/video clips and podcast subscriptions from all the ARD affiliates are available on demand from this new comprehensive website.

  • Audre Lorde – The Berlin Years 1984 to 1992, produced and directed by veteran activist Dagmar Schultz, focuses on Audre Lorde’s relation to the German Black Diaspora, her literary as well as political influence, and is a unique visual document about the times Lorde spent in Germany. The film is also a valuable historical document of German history for future generations, which tells about the development of an Afro-German movement and the origins of the anti-racist movement before and after the German unification.”

  • DEFA Film Library “is the only archive and study center outside Europe devoted to the study of a broad spectrum of filmmaking by East German filmmakers or related to East Germany from 1946 to the present.”

  • The DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum “is a leading, forward-thinking international film heritage organization. We are a pioneer in preserving and sharing film culture with a worldwide public, uniquely combining museums, cinemas, archives and collections, festivals, digital platforms, research and digitization projects, and numerous educational programs. Based in the diverse and dynamic city of Frankfurt, Germany, we actively work toward intercultural understanding, cultivating connections to institutions and initiatives in the film arts and sciences worldwide. We link the history, materiality, and meaning of film to the digital future.”

  • The Gerlind Institute for Cultural Studies DVD Library

  • The German Graphic Novel

  • Lindenstrasse a popular German soap opera
    Tatort: the longest running German crime series

  • Mädchen in Uniform (Girls in Uniform) is a 1931 German feature-length film based on the play Gestern und heute (Yesterday and Today) by Christa Winsloe and directed by Leontine Sagan with artistic direction from Carl Froelich, who also funded the film. Winsloe also wrote the screenplay and was on the set during filming. It is noted as the first feature film to be produced with an openly pro-lesbian storyline and remains an international cult classic. (Wikipedia)

  • Project Gutenberg is a library of over 60,000 free eBooks.

  • Radio Goethe: A syndicated radio show featuring the music from Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

  • Women Make Movies movies by and about women.

  • Otto Waalkes is a Frisian comedian and actor. He became famous in the 1970s and 1980s in Germany with his shows, books and movies. His perhaps most famous trademark are the 'Ottifanten' ('Ottiphants'), elephant-like comic characters of his own design. They featured on the cover of his first album release. (Wikipedia)
